01 Book Covers for Sci-Fi Series
Some time ago during an exceptionally cold spring Nolan Bauerle contacted me to work on his sci-fi novel series "The Blue Moon". With a s hared love for the illustrator Moebius, I knew we would be a good match. Since the story itself takes inspiration from famed illustrator's drawings, I thought the style should too. I have always enjoyed working with different styles, and learning from them. This time I studied the master of line work, and found a style that works well with this series.
Illustration | Editorial Design | Traditional Painting | Digital Painting | Typography | Photography | Print Production

02 Details
The line art for the illustrations was created with an ink pen, then scanned and colored digitally. Drawing on rough textured paper is a personal favorite of mine. I could have done the whole process digitally, but I never pass up the chance to throw some lines down on a paper if I can help it. Below are the full illustrations for each book cover.
Click on each to view the details!

03 Synopsis
This was a ton of fun, special thanks to Nolan for choosing me for this project. Whether it's design, or illustration, or music, I always like to think I'm a storyteller first. This time around I enjoyed bringing forth the vision, and the story of someone else through my illustrations, it wouldn't have been possible if the original content wasn't strong. It also helps that Sci-fi is my favorite genre.
It is a 4 part series, filled with excitement, innovative and thought provoking concepts, and a sense of adventure. Give it a read if you get the chance!
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